150€ Taxes excl. per person
150 € taxes excl. / person for 1 to 14 people
140 € taxes excl. / person for 15 to 50 people
130 € taxes excl. / person for more than 50 people
What we will cover in the course
- Introduction (0:43)
- Understanding what is a Trust and the different kinds of Trusts (4:43)
- Exploring the requirements for identification in terms of AML/CFT compliance (8:12)
- Focusing on identification procedures for beneficiaires (4:46)
- Focusing on identification procedures for trustees (3:11)
- Learning to detect red flags and identify suspicious activities within Trust structures (4:19)
Who is this training intended for ?
This training course is aimed at all professionals dealing with Trusts.
Our general training is designed for all employees of your institution : Sales Team, Compliance Teams, Management.
At the end of this course, you’ll be familiar with the obligations and know how to react in high-risk situations.
Why sould you purchase the training ?
After purchase, your colleagues will have access to the training and its updates for a duration of 1 year.
This format will no longer monopolize your colleagues for several hours; instead, it allows them to take the training at their convenience, wherever and whenever they want. Each module and sub-module can be viewed independently from a computer or even a mobile phone.
To ensure effective learning, learners will need to respond to questionnaires in the form of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) in order to progress through the training.
Lastly, a personalized certificate will be automatically issued to each learner upon completing the training. This certificate includes the learner’s identity information, the name, and the date of the training attended.